
Sherri Stewart


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My Guest, June Foster's, books of 2019

Dreams Deferred  (April 2019) Amazon

Frances Matthew Hall is obedient to family tradition: all firstborn sons will serve as a priest. Now Matt officiates at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas. But when on Easter Sunday, he notices a beautiful young woman who takes his breath awa…

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A New Idea


Many of us have issues, quirks, and problems that had their inception at childhood.

As I finish book 12, it occurs to me that all my lead characters have issues from their past that hamper their present.

Any friends out there who deal with things from their childhood? I'm no shrink, bu…

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What exactly is Rosebud?

For me, the view of the sled is a statement on the deceit of the pursuit of happiness.

Irma Makes Me Think of Disaster Films

As we waited to be evacuated, disaster films came to mind for discussion. Which one tops your list?

Which movie comes to mind when you found yourself rooting for the bad guys?

The first movie that comes to mind is Back Street which is about a man, played by John Gavin, who is tricked into marrying a drunk, when he really is in love with Susan Hayward's character. I was twelve or thirteen when I saw it for the first time, and I found myself wanting John to stand up to his …

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What laugh-out-loud movie comes to mind?

My favorite moments are

  • Rolling down the hill in The Princess Bride
  • Many scenes in Bridget Jones' Diary
  • Miss Congeniality--Tell us about a favorite date? April 1, 19998.
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding--The aunt
  • Monty Python and Holy Grail's Black Knight
  • The wedding shower scene from Brides…

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What is your favorite movie from high school?

Yes, I'm very old. My favorite was Love Story. But, tell me, what exactly does "Love means never having to say you're sorry," mean? The way I see it, love means saying you're sorry. What do you think?

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Fresh off the Kindle Presses~The Good Little Nurse-based on my mom's story

Any examples of a movie that's better than the book version?

I have no trouble thinking of examples of books that are better than their movie counterparts, but it's hard to find movies that are better than the book. How can a two-hour movie effectively outshine the original? Psycho comes to mind. It's not my favorite movie, but it's better than the book, than…

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Last Chance Island Summer Sale!!!

Last Chance Island

99 cents all week on Amazon (August 7-14)

Stretch your summer without stretching your budget!!!!

Click HereMJ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=U

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What are your thoughts on serving on a jury?

Twelve Angry Men was my first introduction to the jury system, and ever since watching that movie, I've longed to sit at the long table and argue the facts. I've never made it past the waiting room. I don't care if a haze of smoke hangs over the room as it did in the movie. I don't care if personali…

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Twins: My book is a bit dark, but it's #8 on Amazon!

The Princess Bride-Why I love it

I have seen this wonderful parody innumerable times, but it never gets old. What's not to love? Giants, priests with lisps, Miracle Max, Pirates named Robert. What makes it so fun is the irony of it all. It's ironic that the hero and heroine are named Buttercup and Westley rather than, say, Aurora …

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Check out the cover of my new book, which will be out shortly.

Who is the real heroine of Gone with the Wind: Scarlett O'Hara or Melanie Wilkes?

When I think of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara comes to mind because it's her story. From the opening scene where she's surrounded by admiring suitors to her on-again-off-again relationship with Rhett Butler to her dogged determination to keep Tara by any means, we see her morph from a self-abs…

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The Wonder of Forrest Gump

The Wonder of Forrest Gump

July 7, 2017

Have you ever had that sensation where you hear some new word or name or anything, and then it pops up several times within a day or so? When that happens you wonder if that new thing was always there but you hadn't paid attention to it?

That sens…

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My new novella is live on Amazon!

Modern Manna

It amazes me that I enjoy writing—me—the girl who spent more time counting the words on a page in school than writing them. So, imagine my surprise now more than a few decades later that I look forward to writing every day. It boggles my mind.

It all started when we lost everything, or so it …

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I love to Tell a Story

I Love to Tell a Story

By Sherri Stewart

I love a good story. Having taught for well over thirty years, thousands of teenagers have heard my tales whether they wanted to or not. Indeed, many students have come back and told me the thing they remembered most about my class were the stories (not so …

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